Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Surgeries Questions and Answers

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Question 10:
Hello Doctor, I have a question. I have a small hole in the right ear and a large hole in the left ear from about six years. The cause of the hole is the loudness sound from the mobile earphones. I have a weakness in understanding speech, for example, when I am in a meeting and if there is noise, I hear the voices, but I do not understand words. This is the case also when someone talks to me in a low voice… I retire from sitting with people because of this thing, and it causes me severe embarrassment because of poor hearing. Is there a relationship between the holes and hearing impairment?/span>
Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. The perforation of the eardrum leads to hearing loss, and the amount of hearing loss varies according to the size of the hole. Since 6 years have passed since the perforations occurred, it will not improve on its own, and the eardrums must be repaired surgically. After the operation, the hearing improves, and if there is still a certain amount of hearing loss, you can use a hearing aid. However, in any case, the eardrum reconstruction must be performed.
Question 9:
Could you please help me?
I have a hole in the right ear
Today I found blood in the ear at the time of cleaning it with cotton
The hole has been present for more than three months
When I consulted the doctor, he said that it is a perforation, but it is not possible to perform the operation at this time because the hole currently does not allow the operation
As for blood, I saw very small spots when cleaning it, but when I cleaned it this time, I found blood very clear without being mixed with earwax

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. Eardrum rupture may require surgery if it lasts for more than 3 to 6 months. If you have not been advised of surgery, the hole may have been very small or the membrane itself may have been repaired. In relation to blood in the ear, it is usually due to manipulation. Under no circumstances, you should not insert ear cleaners or anything else into the ear. This is because it traumatizes the skin of the ear canal, and the blood that you have observed is most likely due to a damage to the skin of the canal of the ear.
Question 8:
I have a hearing loss in one ear with no pain in it and I do not feel anything.
I would like to have advice about the symptoms of hearing loss that we need to have surgery on.

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. If the hearing loss is sensorineural, that is the ear nerve is weakened, it will not be corrected with surgery. Unless special implantable hearing aids are used, the principle of treatment for sensorineural hearing loss is the use of hearing aids. However, if the hearing loss is conductive, for example due to a ruptured eardrum or due to stickiness or stiffness of the middle ear bones, it can usually be surgically corrected to improve hearing. Sometimes hearing loss is such that there are no other symptoms such as dizziness or tinnitus to determine what the hearing loss is like. Therefore, examination and audiogram can help us determine the type of hearing loss and its treatment.
Question 7:
Hello. I have a cousin who suddenly lost her sense of smell and taste two and a half months ago, without any other symptoms. She has tested negative for COVID-19. She does not suffer from any symptoms or other infections.
Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. The main cause of disappearing of the taste sense, especially at this period, can be Covid-19 infection that can cause the taste and smell senses to disappear even if the test is negative. Sometimes these tests have a percentage of error and are not 100% accurate. No special thing can be done except strengthening and improving the sense of smell, such as taking multivitamins or enhancing the sense of smell by using special scents such as coffee or rose water that can stimulate the sense of smell. However, most of the time, the patients recover by their own after a few months and do not need to do anything special.
Question 6:
Hello Doctor. I am from Egypt. I suffer from severe sudden dizziness, and I went to the doctor who gave me treatment that did not come to a result. I also feel mild pain in the ear. Previously I had a perforation in the eardrum and I don’t have any chronic desease.
Is the severe dizziness related to the ear ??

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. With regard to the sudden and severe dizziness that you have, I must know since when you have been suffering from this vertigo accurately, have you ever suffered from dizziness attacks or not, and what medications have you taken?
The eardrum perforation that you have had and which has been reconstructed is not usually associated with dizziness and vertigo, meaning that vertigo and imbalance are not usually caused by problems in the outer and middle ear, but they are rather more related to problems of the inner ear. Your dizziness may be related to a benign tumor and a specific position of your body, or it may be in the form of seizures.
Usually in all types of dizziness associated with the ear, you must adhere to a diet low in salt and spices while reducing the intake of stimulating substances such as caffeine and chocolate, but the most important thing is to reduce the intake of salt. Furthermore, tension and psychological pressure leads to increased dizziness.
Depending on the duration and nature of your dizziness, a medication will be prescribed for your condition.
Please provide me with the information I requested so that I can give you a more accurate diagnosis for your condition.
Question 5:
Hello. Please doctor, I want to inquire about a large hole in the left eardrum due to otitis.
I was suffering for about a year. My ears hurt me and I went to a general doctor. I took medication and then I have my ear to scrub with a liquid coming out of it. But from about 20 days ago, my tinnitus began in my ear and I went to a specialized doctor and he said to me I have a perforation in it with fungi in it. He removed the fungi and I took medicine for inflammation. Then he said that I must wait 3 months, if a hole does not cured on its own, do an operation. But I am not able to tolerate this tinnitus, and I don’t know what to do.

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. When a ruptured eardrum occurs, it can cause tinnitus. In some cases, middle ear infections caused by toxins and entering the inner ear can cause tinnitus.
Tinnitus usually goes away with the infection, it may persist but in some cases. If the rupture of the eardrum occurs recently, you should be monitored for at least 3 to 6 months. If it does not improve or repair, surgery may be needed. But we cannot say 100% whether the tinnitus disappears after eardrum repair. In about half of the cases, tinnitus may be reduced or completely eliminated after repair, but in some cases, tinnitus may remain stable even after repair.
To treat tinnitus, a complete examination and hearing test are needed. If there is no other cause for the tinnitus and the cause is the rupture only, there is no specific treatment. You can use sedatives and you can try to get used to the noise through voice therapy to be less annoying. But to repair the tympanic membrane you can have surgery if the tympanic membrane does not heal after the infection has healed..

Question 4:
hi Madam i have a question. how do you treat perforated eardrum if it is not healing…
doc i rupture my eardrum 9 months ago by pouring water..later it develops into infection and perforated eardrum…from that day i have been using a variety of Antibiotics and and antiallergeics but no difference…

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. The rupture of the eardrum requires surgery If it does not improve after 9 months. The operation may be performed from inside the ear or behind the ear depending on the size of the rupture of the eardrum. Furthermore, depending on the extent of the ear infection, a bone trim or mastectomy may be needed if the bone behind the ear is also involved. If you have not had a problem in the past and the eardrum perforation has occurred due to water entering the ear, it will usually improve with surgery and hearing will likely be better. With these conditions, you need to be examined for the amount of rupture and hearing loss caused by the rupture.

Question 3:
Hi. I am facing a problem related to nose. Can u guid me??? Iam facing this problem from 6 days i have lost my sense of smell
No other problem like cold cough fever none
It is 1st time facing this. No breathing problems. Sometime i feel my nostrils closed as it happens in cold
But i have no cold no cough. Very often i feel congestion. All time i feel normal, But can’t smell
Plz help me
I am at home from 2 months no body going out and inside home completely lockdown
There is no chance of Covid. I suddenly felt no smell while i was taking meal
I can’t differentiate food by smell

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. The problem you are facing now, i.e. the loss of sense of smell, is exactly one of the symptoms that can be caused by Coronavirus infection (Covid-19). This means that the patient can lose their sense of smell without any symptoms of a cold or a viral infection. Most of the time, this loss of smell sensation is temporary and disappears, and there is nothing to worry about. However, sometimes the loss of smell may be permanent. You do not need to do anything specific, and one of the treatments that can be used is the use of corticosteroids, but due to novel Coronavirus infection that may increase the severity of the disease, it is not recommended that the patient consume corticosteroids. Other things that can be done are using a wash serum (washing the nose with normal saline), and using multivitamins and special vitamin supplements that can help restore the sense of smell. If you have a stuffy nose, nasal congestion, or runny nose, you can also take antihistamines, but no other specific treatment can be used. I think it is just a good idea to get tested for Covid-19 virus. If your test is negative, so it might be a simple viral infection. Even a viral infection, such as cold, can cause symptoms of loss of smell, but given the current situation in this epidemic, Covid-19 is one of the main diagnoses that causes the loss of the sense of smell.

Question 2:
I am a 50 year old male. in the last 3 years I have experienced a great many complication with my sinuses. they are constantly swollen with a great deal of pressure. 2 years ago, the problem got so bad, that I lost complete hearing in my left ear over night. I have been a several doctors in Canada and the Germany, none want to make the effort to resolve the issue.
I know I have a deviated septum, I know that previously an ENT in Canada said I had polyps, I know that my sinuses lately swell so bad I cannot pass any air through my nose, I have constant sinuses headaches, and when they get really bad, my right ear starts to lose hearing.
I have read a little about FESS”Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is a surgical treatment of sinusitis and nasal polyps, including bacterial, fungal, recurrent acute, and chronic sinus problems. FESS uses nasal endoscopes to restore drainage of the paranasal sinuses and ventilation of the nasal cavity.

Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hello. Concerning the sinusitis problem you asked about, its symptoms actually include a feeling of fullness on the sinuses, headache, nasal congestion, and discharge from the back of the throat. These symptoms are seen in sinusitis. But nasal allergies can also cause the same symptoms. So in order to differentiate whether your symptoms are just an allergy or a real sinusitis that has affected all the sinuses, you need to have a CT scan of your nose and sinuses. If you have a CT scan of your nose and sinuses, please send it to me to see it. The drug treatment is completely different based on the CT scan.
No matter how severe the septum deviation, it will never cause headaches and a feeling of fullness on the face or discharges from the back of the throat, and the most important sign of a deviated septum in the middle of the nose is nasal congestion and difficulty in breathing.
But hearing loss in the ear has nothing to do with the nose or sinuses. This is most likely a sudden sensorineural hearing Loss that occurs suddenly and for no apparent reason. Sometimes it may be a viral infection, an autoimmune disease or a series of disorders that we investigate by laboratory tests. Its treatment is corticosteroids, which usually need to be started at first for a period of a week. In 60% of cases, the hearing is restored, and in other cases, it may not return even with medication. To check for hearing loss and deafness, you should have a brain MRI to show whether there is a lesion on the auditory nerve that does not have a specific treatment. The only treatment for this deafness is cochlear implantation, which you can do to restore hearing.
For the nose and sinuses, to determine whether endoscopic or FESS surgery is required, you must have a CT scan for your nose and sinuses. After seeing your CT scan and examining it, I can tell you if functional endoscopic sinus surgery can help.

Question 1:
Hi. I have a deviated nose and I want to see what I need to do to get it done. please direct me.
Dr. Saeedi’s answer:
Hi. Correcting deviated nose is essential for treating sinusitis and sinus infection. For more precise consultation, please provide me via e-mail with the medical documents you have about your nose.
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