Tympanostomy in Iran
The middle ear plays a key role in the hearing process, but many kids have some hearing problems due to fluid build-up in the middle ear. In some cases, this fluid can lead to problems with the speech so the doctor will recommend having tympanostomy surgery.
While many people just go and have tympanostomy surgery in a local hospital, others prefer undergoing the surgery abroad due to the high cost of the surgery in their countries or because they have to wait for a long time before they can have the surgery.
Whether you are one of those who are planning to have tympanostomy abroad or you are just trying to know more about this procedure, please keep reading this article to know more why you should consider having tympanostomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, the renowned ENT surgeon and otolaryngologist in Tehran.
What is tympanostomy?
Tympanostomy or ventilation ear tube surgery is an operation that involves putting small tubes or cylinders in the tympanic membrane (eardrum) to ventilate the middle ear and drain the accumulated fluids in there.
Tympanostomy is usually performed for children but in certain cases, adults need to have this operation.

When is tympanostomy done?
The causes of tympanostomy may include:
- Restoring hearing loss that occurs due to chronic fluid build-up in the middle ear.
- Treating occurring infections that do not respond to other treatments.
- Preventing delayed speech development for children that is caused by hearing loss.
- Treating hearing loss caused by Eustachian tube dysfunction.
- Treating frequent otitis media.
Usually, the ear tubes surgery is performed for children from the age of 1 year to the age of 3 years. However, it is possible to perform the surgery on babies from the age of 6 months.
How is tympanostomy done?
After the patient is anesthetized, the surgeon will create a tiny cut in the tympanic membrane (eardrum) using either a laser or a small scalpel.
When the incision is made, the surgeon will make sure that all the fluid that is trapped in the middle ear is suctioned out or drained. Afterward, the surgeon will insert a tube or a cylinder in the eardrum.
In some cases, ear tube surgery is done with adenoidectomy. Adenoidectomy is the surgical removal of the adenoids (the adenoids are a patch of tissues that is located in the back of the nasal cavity).
When enlarged, the adenoids can block the Eustachian tube, and removing them might prevent the need for tympanostomy in the future. Tympanostomy and adenoidectomy are usually performed together when the surgeon is placing the tubes for the second time.
Tympanostomy is usually performed under general anesthesia for both children and adults. However, some adults may have it under local anesthesia.
It possible to have tympanostomy with automated tube delivery in the doctor’s office where making the incision in the eardrum and inserting the grommet is done in a single automated motion.
What happens before the tympanostomy?
As a general rule, it is advised to stop drinking and smoking for a couple of weeks before the surgery to avoid any complications they can cause with the anesthesia. The doctor might ask for some tests that may include a blood test, hearing tests, and a tympanogram.
The doctor will also ask the patient to stop eating from the night before the operation. You or your child should stop eating 6 to 12 hours before the operation and this includes even water and gum.
Do not forget to tell the doctor if you are taking any medication to see if you should stop taking any of them before the surgery.
Tympanostomy after care
Normally the patient will only spend a few hours in the hospital after the surgery, but if the patient is suffering from medical issues, he/she might stay longer.
After going home, the child should rest or play quietly for the remainder of the day and quit going to school for a day or two. Most children may resume their usual activities the next day of the operation. If the surgery is accompanied by adenoidectomy, the child should avoid any strenuous activity or sport for about a week.
Patients can go swimming after ear tube surgery, but it is advised that they wear earplugs to prevent water from entering the middle ear. Diving, on the other hand, is not permitted after tympanostomy. It is also advised to use earplugs while showering after tympanostomy.
If the doctor prescribed eardrops for you, he/she should instruct you on how to use them. You should know that it is normal to feel a burn after using the eardrop.
While most adults can drive home after ear tube surgery, it is better to let someone else drive you.
Tympanostomy recovery
While patients can return to their daily routine after one or a few days, they only recover fully after the removal of the tube. The ear tube is usually extruded (falls out naturally) on its own after six months to 12 months. The perforation in the eardrum will heal by itself. In short, the recovery from ear tube surgery takes about a year.
The benefits of tympanostomy tubes
After the placement of a tympanostomy tube in the eardrum, it will help drain the fluids from the middle ear, equalize pressure on the eardrum, and provide ventilation. Tympanostomy tube replacements lead to a reduction in the number of infections and improve the hearing.
Due to the reduction of infections, the child’s sleep, behavior, and communication will enhance. Due to the ventilation, the eustachian tubes will function properly.
The risks and complications of ear tube surgery
Even though the tympanostomy procedure has a high success rate, there is a possibility for some side effects. They are rare, but tympanostomy complications and risks include the following:
- An increase in the thickness of the tympanic membrane that causes hearing loss,
- Permanent eardrum hole,
- Eardrum scarring,
- Bleeding and having chronic drainage,
- A feeling of nausea, and ear pain right after the surgery.
Blocked tympanostomy tubes treatment
Blood, wax, and other discharge from the otorrhea can cause a blockage in the tympanostomy tube. The method used to treat the blockage depends on the substance causing it. If possible, the clogged ear tubes will be treated with medications. If not, the surgeon will remove the blockage physically.
Why you should have tympanostomy in Iran?
Iran has some of the best ENT doctors in the world and some of the best-skilled surgeons who have a lot of experience. The Iranian hospitals are provided with the most advanced equipment.
Having tympanostomy surgery in Iran will save you a lot of money. Even when you add the extra expenses of traveling you would be paying less money.
Why to have tympanostomy in Iran wit Dr. Saeedi?
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is one of the distinguished ENT surgeons in Iran. She has obtained the fellowship in otolaryngology more than 12 years ago and was ranked first in the entrance exam of her fellowship. Since then, Dr. Saeedi has performed more than 5,000 successful surgeries for Iranian and foreign patients in Tehran.
Dr. Saeedi did not stop developing herself after she obtained the fellowship, but rather she underwent numerous specialized courses in medically advanced countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, Malaysia, South Korea and others. In addition to her professional work, she is an associate professor at Baqiatollah University of Medical Sciences in Tehran.
When you take the decision to have tympanostomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, you guarantee that you will be under the knife of one of the best ENT surgeons in Iran. Furthermore, Dr. Saeedi is keen to have her operations in the best hospitals in Tehran to ensure that her patients receive the best health care.
Please contact us now to get a free online consultation about ear tube surery in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, where the Doctor answers your questions and inquiries and offers you a specialized advice while you are still in your country.
Cost of tympanostomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
While tympanostomy costs from $2,200 to $4,200 in the United States of America and about $3,200 in the United Kingdom, the prices are much cheaper in Iran. Tympanostomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi can cost about a quarter of that price. Please throw us a message to have a free consultation and price quote on tympanostomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
Tympanostomy vs. tympanoplasty
Tympanostomy is a procedure that is used to insert a tube in the eardrum to remove the fluid build-up in the middle ear. Tympanoplasty is a procedure that is used to treat the perforation in the tympanic membrane.
Tympanostomy and myringotomy
Both tympanostomy and myringotomy involve creating a hole in the eardrum to remove the fluid build-up in the middle ear. However, during tympanostomy, the surgeon will place tubes (also known as grommet) in the eardrum while myringotomy does not involve any tubes placement. Tympanostomy tube insertion is the main difference between the two surgeries.
Frequently asked questions about tympanostomy
What are the tympanostomy tubes?
Tympanostomy tubes or grommets are small tubes that are put in the eardrum to provide ventilation for the middle ear and help drain the fluid build-up.
When are tympanostomy tubes removed?
Tympanostomy tubes are usually extruded on their own after 6 to 12 months and might stay for longer in some cases. However, surgical removal is only needed when they stay for more than 3 years.
What are tympanostomy tubes made of?
Many materials can be used to make tympanostomy tubes such as Teflon, silicone, and stainless steel, but the most common one is plastic.
Can tympanostomy ear tubes fall out?
Yes, they usually fall out alone after 6 months to a year.
How much time does ear tube surgery take?
Tympanostomy tube placement usually takes less than 15 minutes. It is usually performed in a hospital but it can be done in the doctor’s office.
Can tympanostomy tubes get blocked?
Yes, tympanostomy tubes can get blocked with wax, blood. The blockage can be cleared out with medication and with physical instruments.
Why do tympanostomy tubes fall out?
The tympanostomy tubes fall out as a part of the healing process of the ear.
How long does tympanostomy last?
The tubes usually fall out after 6 to 12 months.
How to unblock tympanostomy tubes?
There is some medication used to unblock the tubes. If these medications failed to dissolve the material blocking the tube, it is possible to unblock it using physical instruments.
Are tympanostomy tubes safe?
Yes, tympanostomy operation has a high success rate and its side effects are rare.
Can ear tubes help tinnitus?
Fluid build-up in the middle ear can cause pressure imbalance in the ear that causes tinnitus. Since ear tubes help equalize pressure it can help tinnitus.
Can ear tubes cause hearing loss?
Ear tubes insertion can increase the thickness of the eardrum, which may lead to hearing loss.