Rigid Laryngoscopy and Esophagoscopy with Biopsy in Iran
People do not usually worry a lot about things like throat pain, difficulty swallowing. They tend to think that they will cure by themselves. Unfortunately, in some cases, things are not that simple and the patient might need to see a doctor. The problem is that the throat or the larynx is not visible when you look with your bare eyes and that is when you will need rigid laryngoscopy and/or esophagoscopy. If you consider having this diagnostic procedure abroad for any reason, we recommend you to consider having rigid laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy with biopsy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, the renowned ENT surgeon in Tehran. Please continue reading to know more about rigid laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy and the benefits of having it in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
What is rigid laryngoscopy?
Rigid laryngoscopy is an exam the doctors perform to let them take a closer look at the larynx and/or throat. To perform laryngoscopy, doctors use a device called a laryngoscope, which is a rigid hollow tube with a light attached to it.

Laryngoscopy with biopsy
In some cases, when the symptoms are not enough to diagnose the case especially if the doctor suspects that you might have cancer, you will need a biopsy. Laryngoscopy is used to take a biopsy from the larynx and/or the throat without a surgical incision.
The doctor will use a laryngoscope that has tiny forceps to collect some specimens and send them to the lab. One to two hours after laryngoscopy, you will be able to go home. The biopsy results will be available in 4 to 5 days following laryngoscopy and biopsy. According to the results, the doctor decides whether laryngeal surgery is needed or not.

Treating cancer with laryngoscopy
It is possible to use a laryngoscopy procedure to treat some types of cancers if discovered in the early stages. The doctor will use a laryngoscope with a small laser attached to it to remove the small tumor on the vocal cord.
Laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy
Although you do not always need to undergo esophagoscopy with laryngoscopy, some people have both procedures at the same time. Esophagoscopy can be used to treat several problems like hemorrhage and endobronchial tumors.
During esophagoscopy, the doctor will insert an endoscope that is attached to a camera and a light to check the condition of the esophagus. This procedure can help the doctor explain some of your symptoms that can be related to larynx diseases.

Esophagoscopy with biopsy
Doctors take a biopsy from tissues to check if a certain abnormality is caused by cancer. The doctor will use esophagoscopy to take a biopsy from esophagus tissues without surgical intervention.
All that is needed for esophagoscopy with biopsy is an esophagoscope equipped with special instruments like forceps to get the samples. The biopsy will be taken to the lab to be analyzed. The result will appear in a few days.
Difference between laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy
Some of the main differences between esophagoscopy and laryngoscopy are discussed below.
Laryngoscopy is the procedure that is used to have a close-up view of the larynx using a rigid instrument called a laryngoscope. Laryngoscopy enables the doctor to see the larynx and the throat and take a biopsy from their tissues. It helps him/her to diagnose and treat the diseases of the larynx and the throat.
In addition to taking a biopsy, laryngoscopy is used to help diagnose the condition when the patient has some problems in the throat like:
- Persistent cough
- Bloody cough
- Hoarseness
- Throat pain
- Difficulty swallowing
- Persistent earache
In some cases, laryngoscopy can be used to remove foreign objects from the throat.
Esophagoscopy is a procedure that is used to have a close-up view of the esophagus. The doctor uses the esophagoscope to help him/her diagnose and treat disorders of the esophagus like esophageal cancer, which requires taking a biopsy.
Some of the symptoms that might make you need esophagoscopy include:
- Long-term heartburn that was not affected by dietary changes or taking antacids
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Difficulty swallowing
- Globus pharyngeus (you would feel that you always have a lump inside your throat)
An esophagoscopy can also be used to:
- Remove foreign objects from the esophagus
- Remove food stuck in the esophagus
- See the inside of the gastrointestinal tract
Laryngoscopy, Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy
All of the three procedures are considered endoscopic procedures used for treatment, diagnosis, and evaluation. The main difference among them is the target of the procedure. As mentioned before, laryngoscopy is performed to treat the throat and the larynx while esophagoscopy is performed to have a closer look at the esophagus.
During bronchoscopy, the doctor will pass the tube from the nose or the mouth through the throat into your lungs and bronchi. This procedures is used to help the doctor diagnose lung problems, identify lung infections, take biopsy from the lungs… etc.
Rigid Laryngoscopy and Esophagoscopy with Biopsy in Iran
Iran is the destination that thousands of patients go to every year to have better medical care. When you come to Iran for rigid laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy with biopsy you can have the procedure done by an experienced ENT surgeon in a top-level medical center equipped with the most modern devices.
Rigid Laryngoscopy and Esophagoscopy with Biopsy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is considered to be one of the top ENT doctors in Iran. She has lots of experience as she has performed over 7,000 surgeries during the past 12 years. On top of that, she has attended specialized medical courses and conferences in several countries like South Korea, France, Germany, Portugal, Malaysia and many other medically developed countries.
Dr. Saeedi is always in touch with the most recent research in her field as she is an associate professor in otolaryngology in Baqiyatallah University of medical sciences in Tehran, where she also conducts her own research with her students.
By having rigid laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy with biopsy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, you rest assured that you will have the most accurate and precise diagnosis possible for your case.
Laryngoscopy types
There are 2 main types of laryngoscopy, each one of them has its unique features.
Indirect laryngoscopy
It is the simplest type of laryngoscopy. Indirect laryngoscopy can be done without general anesthesia. During indirect laryngoscopy, the doctor will insert a mirror with a long handle into your mouth while pressing the tongue down and shed light on the mirror to see the throat. Afterwards, the doctor will ask you to say something to make the larynx move.
Direct laryngoscopy
During direct laryngoscopy, you will be under general anesthesia so you will not be able to see or feel anything. During the test, the doctor will insert a thin tube with epical instruments to help him/her see inside your body and/or remove any needed abnormal cells. If the doctor uses a microscope then the procedure will be called a microdirect laryngoscopy.
Types of esophagoscopy
There are several types of esophagoscopy uncluding:
- Rigid esophagoscopy: the doctor will insert a rigid esophagoscope through the mouth. Rigid esophagoscopy can usually help the doctor perform some kinds of surgeries and diagnose some kinds of cancers.
- Flexible esophagoscopy: the doctor will use a thin flexible tube, and the esophagoscope involves a light to see inside the esophagus.
- Transnasal esophagoscopy: the doctor will insert the esophagoscope through your nose to reach the esophagus. This procedure can be done quickly and without sedation.
Cost of Rigid Laryngoscopy and Esophagoscopy with Biopsy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
The price of laryngoscopy can vary depending on the purpose of the procedure. The cost can differ if you need to have a biopsy taken during the test. In general, the prices usually start from $190 and the average cost in the United States is $1,000. In some cases, the price is up to $3,000. In Iran, laryngoscopy is much cheaper as it can cost you about forth the cost in the United States.
Esophagoscopy prices differ depending on the type of the esophagoscopy you need. On average, it cost about $1,900. However, you can have esophagoscopy in Iran for much less cost.
Please contact us now through this website or through WhatsApp to have a free consultation and price quote on rigid laryngoscopy and esophagoscopy with biopsy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.