Thyroidectomy in Iran
Due to thyroid cancer or other health problems, some patients might need to surgically-remove the thyroid gland partially or totally. Since the surgery can be very expensive in some countries and others might not have the needed equipment, many patients travel abroad to have the surgery. If you are one of these patients, we suggest that you consider traveling to have thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi the renown ENT surgeon in Tehran, thus benefiting from all the advantages of having the surgery done by an experienced board specialized surgeon at affordable cost.
What is thyroidectomy?
Thyroidectomy is a surgical operation that involves the partial or total removal of the thyroid gland due to some functional thyroid disorders or due to thyroid tumors.
Who is a good candidate for thyroidectomy?
There are of course other non-surgical treatments for thyroid’s disorders. However, those who should undergo thyroidectomy are:
- Patients who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,
- Patients who have a large toxic thyroid nodule that produces a lot of thyroid hormones,
- Patients who have a multinodular goiter,
- Patients who suffer from Graves’ disease or hyperthyroidism.
Thyroidectomy types
Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor will choose the right surgery. There are two main types of thyroidectomy and other subsidiary surgeries:
Total thyroidectomy
This procedure involves removing the entire thyroid gland. This option is usually used for patients who suffer from thyroid cancer.
Partial thyroidectomy
Partial thyroidectomy involves removing a part of the thyroid gland. The amount that is removed depends on the cause of the surgery. The types of partial thyroidectomy include:
- Hemithyroidectomy: it is also known as lobectomy and it involves removing half of the thyroid gland while the other remains intact. It is done to treat patients with excessive hormone production or when the nodules are cancerous.
- Near-total thyroidectomy: in this procedure, the surgeon will remove most of the glands and both of the lobes and leave some tissues on one side.
- Isthmusectomy: during this procedure, the surgeon will remove the center of the thyroid gland.
Before thyroidectomy in Iran
At the beginning and before offering you the surgery as a treatment, you will be asked to have some tests such as ultrasound, fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA), and some blood tests to evaluate your thyroid. If you need to undergo the surgery, you will undergo several tests to prove you are in good health for the surgery. Furthermore, the function of your vocal cord should be assessed before the surgery.
Based on your condition, the doctor will prescribe some meds and/or ask you to stop taking some of them.
You should stop eating and drinking on the day of the surgery to avoid any complications related to the anesthesia.
How thyroidectomy surgery is done?
Thyroidectomy surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. After you become unconscious, the surgeon will make an incision to remove the thyroid gland either totally or partially. Many approaches can be used, and the surgeon will choose the right one for your condition. These approaches include:
- The conventional thyroidectomy: during this approach, the surgeon will make a horizontal cut in the front center of the neck. The incision will most likely be made in a skin crease to make the thyroidectomy scar less noticeable. Afterwards, the surgeon will remove part of the gland or the whole gland depending on your condition.

- The transoral thyroidectomy: during this approach, the surgeon will make the incision inside your mouth instead of the neck. Then he/she will remove the gland.
- The endoscopic thyroidectomy: during this approach, the surgeon will make a smaller cut and use different surgical instruments. He/she will insert a tiny camera to guide him/her.
Sometimes the surgeon will place a drain beneath the incisions in the neck after the thyroidectomy operation, and the drain will be removed the next morning.
Thyroidectomy surgery time depends on the condition of the patient. Even though it usually takes from one to two hours, there is a chance that it takes more time or even less.
After thyroidectomy surgery
Thyroidectomy recovery
After the surgery, the doctor will monitor you in the hospital for a few hours. The staff will keep an eye on you to make sure there are no signs of swelling on the neck, and depending on your condition, it is possible that you have to spend the night at the hospital.
The surgeon will recommend that you stay home for a couple of weeks before you can return to work; however, it is always better to check with your doctor before returning to work.
Thyroidectomy post-op care and recovery tips
- After the surgery, you should take things easy and slowly. Try to rest whenever you feel tired and find a comfortable way to sleep at night. Try to avoid any sudden moves because this may negatively affects your neck.
- Even though you should not work out hard, it is recommended to exercise a bit. Walking every day can increase your blood flow, thus accelerating the recovery.
- You should avoid driving for the two weeks following the surgery. Consult with your doctor before you try to drive again.
- Your diet after thyroidectomy depends on your condition after the surgery. If you feel any pain when swallowing, it is better to add more soft foods to your diet.
Thyroidectomy results and outcomes
The results depend on the type of surgery:
Partial thyroidectomy
When you undergo a partial thyroidectomy, the remaining part of the thyroid will probably continue to produce thyroid hormones. Therefore, hormone therapy might not be necessary after partial thyroidectomy.
Total thyroidectomy
After removing the whole thyroid gland, you will no longer be able to produce thyroid hormones. Therefore, you will need to take a pill daily that contains thyroid hormones.
Thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
If you are planning to have the surgery abroad, we advise you to consider undergoing thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi for the following reasons.
Iran is very advanced in the field of ear, nose and throat (ENT) and the Iranian surgeons are quite skilled and have a lot of experience so you will have great results.
Among the Iranian ENT surgeons, Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is distinguished by her long experience and the number of successful surgeries.
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi has been specialized in ENT for more than 12 years, and since then she has performed over 5,000 successful complex surgeries, including many thyroidectomy surgeries. Also during this period, she attended many international specialized courses in countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, South Korea, Malaysia and others to enhance her experiences and knowledge. She is also Associate Professor of Otolaryngology at Baqiatallah University in Tehran.
Many Iranian hospitals and clinics are equipped with advanced equipment. Dr. Saeedi is keen to perform her surgeries in the best hospitals of Tehran in order to ensure that her patients receive the best health care services before, during and after their operations.
Cost of thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Thyroidectomy cost changes significantly from one country to another. While the cost ranges in the USA from $7,000 to $11,000 and it costs around $20,000 in the UK to have surgery, the cost of thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi is only about a quarter of these prices, so you will have extra medical care at a lower cost.
The low cost of health care services and surgeries in Iran compared to other countries has made this country a favorite destination for many patients from all over the world. The reasons for this low cost are primarily due to economic factors, most notably the decline in the value of the Iranian currency with respect to other currencies. This decrease does not mean in any way any decrease in the quality of health care services in this country, but you should know that health care services in Iran are comparable to those in the most developed countries in the world.
In short, by conducting a thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, you are benefiting from the high experience of the doctor and her specialty in addition to paying far less than what you pay in other countries to get similar health care services. Please contact us now to have a free specialized online consultation with Dr. Saeedi and a free quote about your thyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
Thyroidectomy risks and complications
Thyroidectomy surgery is usually safe, but there can be some risks. These risks include:
- Hypocalcemia: A common complication occurs after thyroidectomy. This usually happens due to the damage of the parathyroid glands that are located in the neck. Hypocalcemia will cause a decrease in your blood levels of calcium, and you will need to take calcium supplements and Vitamin D.
- Bleeding: There is a small chance that you will bleed after a thyroidectomy, and that is why it is better to spend the night in the hospital after the procedure.
- Nerve damage: in rare cases, the patient might suffer from damage in the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and this can lead to voice change and having a hoarse voice.
- Thyroid storm can be caused by thyroidectomy, but this is very rare.
Thyroidectomy risk factors
Some risk factors increase the chances of having thyroidectomy complications after surgery. These factors include:
- Patients over the age of 70 tend to have more complications;
- Smokers are prone to complications;
- Having a previous thyroid surgery in the past increases the risks of the surgery;
- Some medical conditions might raise the chances of post-op complications.
Thyroidectomy side effects
- Nausea and vomiting are possible but rare side effects;
- Stiffness and pain in the neck;
- Some difficulties in swallowing.
Hypothyroidism and thyroidectomy
If you have a total thyroidectomy, then you will need prescription thyroid replacement therapy. On the other hand, less than 20% of the patients who have partial thyroidectomy develop hypothyroidism.
If the doctor prescribed you some medication for hypothyroidism, he/she will tell all about the right dosage for you and if there is a need for a special diet for your condition. If not, you might want to monitor your overall health and watch for any possible symptoms of hypothyroidism because it may develop after a few months or even years after the surgery.
Hypothyroidism symptoms
- You will very cold;
- Your skin will become dry;
- Gaining extra weight after thyroidectomy might be a symptom of hypothyroidism;
- Depression;
- Muscle cramps;
- Women might suffer from an increase in menstrual blood flow and have more menstrual cycles.
Thyroidectomy and pregnancy
It is usually safe for pregnant women to have thyroidectomy surgery during pregnancy, however, most doctors suggest that they should have the surgery after the delivery to avoid any possible risk to the fetus.
Thyroidectomy surgery is usually suggested during pregnancy in the cases of late stages of cancer or airway compromise. In these cases, it is advised to have the surgery in the second trimester of the pregnancy.
Thyroidectomy and the immune system
Even though the thyroid hormones have a key role in regulating some of the functions of the immune system, having thyroidectomy will not affect the ability of the immune system to fight the infections.
Frequently asked questions about thyroidectomy
Can thyroidectomy cause thyroid storm?
Yes, it is possible to have a thyroid storm after thyroidectomy, but it is a rather rare side effect of the surgery.
Can thyroidectomy cause diabetes?
Thyroidectomy surgery itself cannot be considered responsible for having diabetes, but having thyroid problems may increase the risks of developing diabetes.
Can thyroidectomy cause weight gain?
Even though some patients report gaining weight after having thyroidectomy surgery, studies show that the surgery and the thyroid hormones are not responsible for the weight gain for these patients.
Can thyroidectomy cause high blood pressure?
Yes, there are multiple reasons for this effect. Sometimes the increase in the TSH caused by the removal of the thyroid gland can cause high blood pressure. In other cases, thyroid storm caused by the surgery can be the reason for high blood pressure.
How long does thyroidectomy take?
Even though it usually takes from one to two hours it might take less or even more time in some cases depending on the condition of the patient.
Does thyroidectomy cure Hashimoto’s thyroiditis?
The surgery will not cure the disease but it will decrease the symptoms significantly.
Does thyroidectomy affect the immune system?
No, thyroidectomy does not affect the ability of the immune system for fighting diseases.
Does thyroidectomy affect fertility?
It is possible for some patients (men and women) to have some infertility problems due to thyroidectomy.
Is thyroidectomy painful?
The post-op pain is usually minimal so there will not be any need for strong pain killers.
Is thyroidectomy safe?
In general, thyroidectomy is a safe operation, but there are possible complications with any surgical procedure.
When thyroidectomy is necessary?
Thyroidectomy becomes necessary when the condition cannot be treated with non-surgical alternatives or when a malignant tumor is likely to grow in it and spread.
Who needs thyroidectomy?
A patient needs thyroidectomy if he/she has a nodule that may be cancerous, has a goiter, diagnosed with cancer, or has Graves’ disease.