Septoplasty in Iran
In the middle of the nose, there is a cartilage that separates between the two nostrils. It is called the nasal septum. This nasal septum consists of two parts. One of them is a cartilage that covers the front of the septum; the other part is a bone that lies at the back of the septum behind the cartilage. The septum plays an active role in respiratory tasks and gives the nose its external shape. Normally, the septum lies exactly in the middle of the nose and divides it equally into two similar nostrils. However, this septum might, for some reasons, become deviated. Septum deviation becomes dangerous at later stages causing nasal blockage in one of the nostrils and creates an environment for serious infections and bacteria to grow in. The radical solution is a surgery called septoplasty and it is performed by ENT specialists. Most people find it expensive to opt for the surgery in their own countries. Therefore, many patients choose to undergo septal reconstruction surgery or septoplasty in Iran, which is offered at the hands of the best Iranian surgeons and ENT specialists, such as Dr. Saeedi, with affordable costs. Please continue reading to acquire more understanding about the surgery and know why to opt for septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
What is septoplasty?
It is a surgical procedure to straighten the septum which is the wall of cartilage and bone that separates between the left and right nostrils.
Why is septoplasty performed?
Septum deviation is very common. However, when the deviation is severe, the septum might block one of the nostrils and eliminate the flow of air that passes through it, which causes breathing difficulties in one or both nostrils.

What makes a good candidate for septal reconstruction surgery?
A good candidate for septoplasty should be above the age 15 and has the following symptoms:
- Breathing difficulties,
- Snoring,
- Chronic sinusitis,
- Nose bleeding,
- Facial pain,
- Dry mouth.
What are the benefits of having septoplasty in Iran?
Iran gives great care to the field of medicine. In Iran, hundreds of hospitals and clinics are similar to the international hospitals in terms of the medical technologies they use. Iranian ENT surgeons are well-practiced and experienced and perform all kinds of ENT surgeries in high performance and with low costs.
Why to opt for septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is a proficient board-certified ENT and otolaryngology surgeon who has her fellowship since more than 12 years, and was ranked first in the entrance exam of which.
Dr. Saeedi has passed many specialized medical courses in medically developed countries such as France, Germany, Malaysia and South Korea among others. And because of her distinction, she was able to have an associate professorship in Baqiatallah University for Medical Sciences in Tehran when she was only at the age of 33 years and she is now the ENT department assistant in the University and she conducted many research in her specialty field.
Dr. Saeedi has performed more than 5,000 successful surgery, including numerous septoplasty surgeries, for both Iranian and international patients in Tehran. You too can have a free specialized online consultation on septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi by contacting us through the Doctor’s social media or through this website.
Preparing for the operation
Here are some instructions that you should follow before septoplasty surgery:
- Inform the doctor about any kind of medication you are on.
- If you are taking any blood thinners, quit taking them a week before the operation.
- Inform the doctor if you have any type of allergies or bleeding problems.
- The doctor will answer any question you have about the operation and deal with the patient’s concerns.
- The patient should do blood tests before the operation.
- The doctor will examine your nose physically.
- The doctor uses an endoscope to check the inside of the nasal cavity and the shape of the deviated septum.
- To avoid suffocation that could occur during the surgery under anesthesia, do not eat or drink starting from the night before the operation.
- Some doctors ask for some photographs of your nose before surgery in order to compare the results before and after septoplasty.
How is septoplasty performed?
Several non-surgical techniques can be used to perform septoplasty like laser and filler. However, the surgical technique is the most commonly used one and is the technique with permanent results.
Septoplasty laser surgery
Laser alone cannot treat a deviated septum. However, it can be used during surgeries to make bloodless incisions. Laser is known to stimulate skin cells and the production of collagen which helps speed the healing process. Laser can also help treat other nose problems like sinusitis and swells.
Septoplasty by filler
It is a nonsurgical septoplasty procedure. The doctor injects the empty spot in the nose with filler to create balance. After that, the deviated septum is no longer obvious. It only takes 10 minutes, costs less than the surgical procedure, and it is safe. However, the results are not permanent.
Balloon sinuplasty
It is an endoscopic nasal surgery. It is performed under local anesthesia. A balloon catheter is inserted into the sinuses where it swells to open the nasal blockage and relief the sinuses.
Septoplasty surgery
The septoplasty surgery is performed under general or regional anesthesia, according to the patient’s case. The surgery is done inside the nose. The surgeon makes an incision in the area that separates the two nostrils, then the surgeon gently removes the mucosa. The septum is straightened and the extra cartilages or bones are removed. The mucosa is repositioned and stabilized by splints that are removed two days after the surgery. Septoplasty surgeries are often accompanied with plastic surgeries to give the nose a more attractive shape. The patient will suffer from bruises and swelling for 7 days, which is very normal. As it is said, it has to get ugly before it gets pretty.
Septoplasty surgery is also called separating the mucosa surgery and nose repairment. The septum and nasal cavity are covered with a layer of soft tissues called the mucosa. During septoplasty surgery, it is possible to treat other nose problems like snoring, bleeding, and sinusitis. It is also possible to undergo a septoplasty surgery in order to reach the nasal polyps and have it removed.
House care after septoplasty surgery
Here are some septal reconstruction recovery tips for a rapid healing after surgery:
- During the first days after surgery, avoid lying in the prone position.
- Do not exercise or lift heavy weights for two weeks after the surgery.
- During the first 14 days after the surgery, keep your mouth open when you sneeze.
- Do not blow your nose during the first 14 days after the operation.
- Avoid activities that apply pressure on the face like bending and holding your breath.
- When you poop, do not apply pressure on your body. instead, take the pills prescribed to you by the doctor to treat constipation.
- Avoid touching and scratching the nose. If its necessary, scratch it gently.
- Do not smoke; nicotine lowers your blood pressure which affects the healing process.
- Do not travel by plane during the first two weeks after surgery.
- Do not be directly exposed to sun light or it will burn your nose.
- Use ice and cold compressors to reduce swelling.
- Elevate your head during times of sleep and add another pillow under your head.
Septoplasty complications and benefits
Septoplasty complications and side effects
- Bleeding,
- Sinusitis,
- Changes in the shape of your nose,
- Jaw pain,
- Swelling around the eyes,
- A pierce in the septum,
- Olfactory loss: loss of smell.
Septoplasty benefits
- Repairing the nasal septum and the shape of the nose.
- Treating nose problems like sinusitis, bleeding, infections…etc.
- Treatment of breathing problems and snoring.
- Helps sleep apnea.
Septoplasty results
- By three to six months, the cartilage and nasal tissues are fully settled.
- Breathing becomes much better and easier.
- You might still notice changes in the cartilage and the nasal tissues for a year or more.

Cost of Septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Septoplasty surgeries in Iran are performed by the hands of professional surgeons and with low costs if we compare it to other countries.
The cost of septal reconstruction surgery in the United States of America varies between $2,000 and $3,500 and it could cost even more if the patient wants to have a nose job with septoplasty. This is while the cost of septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi is much less while achieving the best results guaranteed by the proficient surgeon. Please contact us to have a free consultation and price quote on septoplasty in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
Septoplasty with turbinate reduction
Turbinate is a soft bone pathway covered with mucosa that functions as cleanser and moisturizer for the air that enters the nose to get into the lungs. A deviated septum could trouble the function of the turbinate; it could cause pressure on the turbinate and disturb the breathing process. Therefore, it is very common for people to have a septal reconstruction and turbinoplasty. Turbinate reduction can be done in several ways like cauterization, surgical resection (turbinectomy), and radiofrequency reduction.
Septoplasty vs. rhinoplasty
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that is meant to reform the internal structures of the nose. It treats the problems that disrupt the functions of the nose.
Rhinoplasty, also called a nose job surgery, is a plastic surgery to reform, correct and beautify the shape of the nose. It is all about the form or the external of the nose.
Septoplasty and rhinoplasty are often to be combined together for achieving an integral result concerning the shape and function of the nose.
Frequently asked questions about septoplasty:
Are rhinoplasty and septoplasty the same thing?
Rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery to beautify the external shape of the nose, while septoplasty is a surgical procedure to treat the deviated septum and its symptoms.
Can septoplasty fail?
Septoplasty success rates are actually about 80% high. 20% of septoplasty cases show a little improvement or no improvement at all in their symptoms, which may result in another case of septum deviation.
Can septoplasty and rhinoplasty be done together?
Yes, they can. When septoplasty and rhinoplasty are done together, the operation is called septorhinoplasty.
Can septoplasty change your voice?
People who undergo a septoplasty surgery start to notice that the nasal sounds become clearer after the operation. This is because the volume of air that passes through your nose when you breath increases.
Can septoplasty fix a crooked nose?
A crooked nose may result from a nose injury or from birth defects. In most cases, a crooked nose is the result of a deviated septum. Therefore, a septoplasty surgery can fix a crooked nose.
Can septoplasty be covered by insurance?
insurance does not cover cosmetic surgeries. It only covers surgeries that are performed for medical reasons. So, if septoplasty is only performed for a medical purpose, it can be covered by the insurance company.
Do septoplasty splints hurt?
Septoplasty splint are plastic or silicone pieces that are placed inside or outside the nose to stabilize the septum after the surgery. Septoplasty splints do not hurt. However, they cause discomfort for some time until they are removed.
Does septoplasty change the tip of the nose?
Usually, septoplasty does not affect the shape of the nose. However, if septoplasty surgery includes removing pieces of the cartilage or the bone, the tip of the nose might change.
Does septoplasty help sleep apnea?
Septoplasty treats nasal blockage that is caused by a deviated septum which allows for better breathing and stops snoring sounds which are symptoms of sleeping apnea. This means that septoplasty does help sleep apnea.
Can you have septoplasty more than once?
In some cases, the symptoms are not treated even after a septoplasty, which asks for another septoplasty surgery.
Is septoplasty painful?
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure. So, like anu surgery, it is accompanied by some pain level after the surgery. However, the pain can be reduced by painkillers prescribed by the doctor.
Is septoplasty dangerous?
Like any surgical operation, septoplasty has some risks. However, septoplasty risks can be minimized when the surgery is done by a well-practiced surgeon.
Is septoplasty a major surgery?
Yes, septoplasty is a major surgery because it deals with important issues like nasal blockage and sinuses.
Is septoplasty a cosmetic surgery?
Septoplasty is not a cosmetic surgery in the first place. However, it can be combined with one.
When septoplasty is needed?
Septoplasty surgery is needed when the person has a deviated septum, breathing problems from the nose, snoring, dry mouth, nasal blockage, nose infections, and sinusitis.
Who performs septoplasty?
Septoplasty is performed by otolaryngologists or ENT surgeons.
Will septoplasty help with headaches?
If the headache is caused by sinuses, septoplasty will help reduce the headaches.
Will septoplasty help chronic sinusitis?
Yes, septoplasty could help reduce the symptoms of chronic sinusitis.