Parathyroidectomy in Iran
Parathyroid glands are small glands that are situated in the back of the thyroid gland. These glands produce parathyroid hormone when the blood calcium gets low, thus regulating the calcium in the human body. Some patients might need to undergo parathyroidectomy due to some tumors (benign or malignant) that can develop in the parathyroid glands for example.
Because parathyroidectomy can be very expensive in some countries and because some patients might need to wait for a long time before they can have parathyroidectomy surgery in the hospitals in their countries, many consider undergoing parathyroidectomy surgery abroad. If this is the case for you then we ask you to continue reading to know more about parathyroidectomy and the advantages of undergoing parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi the renowned ENT and head and neck surgeon.
Parathyroid glands definition
Parathyroid glands are small endocrine glands situated in the neck behind the thyroid gland. Most people have four parathyroid glands with two behind each lobe of the thyroid.

The function of the parathyroid gland
Parathyroid glands play a key role in the control of calcium levels in the bloodstream. When the levels are too low, parathyroid hormone is secreted in the blood. It affects bones, kidneys, and intestines causing them to release more calcium in the body and decrease the absorption of the calcium from food.
The indications of parathyroidectomy
Due to certain factors like tumors, radiation therapy, nutritional deficiencies, and the use of some medications, the parathyroid gland may undersecrete or oversecrete parathyroid hormone causing an imbalance of calcium.
This imbalance can be dangerous because the decrease of calcium can weaken the bones, which lead to osteoporosis, cause depression and fatigue and other symptoms. This is while the increase of calcium levels can lead to kidney stones, nerve pain and muscle spasm.
What is parathyroidectomy?
Parathyroidectomy is a surgical procedure that involves removing parathyroid tumors or at least one of the parathyroid glands.
Parathyroidectomy types
There are three main types of thyroidectomy that differ from each other in the techniques used to perform the surgery. The surgeon will choose the needed technique depending on the location of the diseased gland. These types are:
- The standard parathyroidectomy surgery
- Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy
- Video-assisted parathyroidectomy
- Endoscopic parathyroidectomy
How to prepare for parathyroidectomy?
Usually, there will no reason for the patient to change his/her diet and medication before the surgery (Although you should tell your doctor if you are taking any medications beforehand).
You will have an appointment with the doctor a week or so before the surgery for a preoperative check and you would probably be asked for few blood tests for the surgery. While you are in the per-operative assessment clinic, you can ask the doctor about any concerns you may have and discuss your conditions and the possibilities of having complications.
Apart from that, the preparation includes the usual instructions for surgeries. This include quitting smoking and drinking alcohol one month before the surgery. Some exercise can be good too.
How is parathyroidectomy surgery performed?
Parathyroidectomy is usually performed under general anesthesia (it can be performed under local anesthesia when using the minimally invasive approach) meaning you will be asleep and feel nothing during the surgery. The other steps depend on the type of parathyroidectomy surgery that you are going to have.
The standard parathyroidectomy surgery
In this approach, the surgeon will make a cut in the center of the neck (5 to 10 cm cut). Afterward, the surgeon will search for the parathyroid glands and remove the diseased parts. The surgeon might perform a blood test to check if he/she removed all the damaged parts.
Minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (parathyroidectomy keyhole surgery)
This approach involves giving the patient a shot contains a small amount of radioactive tracer beforehand to help the surgeon highlight the diseased parts. The surgeon will locate the parathyroid glands using a special probe, then he/she will make a cut (2.5 to 5 cm) on the side of the neck and remove the diseased parts.
Video-assisted parathyroidectomy
During this approach, the surgeon makes two small cuts in the neck one of them to be used for the surgical instrument and the other one is for inserting the camera. The camera will be used to view the area and removing the diseased glands without making large cuts.
Endoscopic parathyroidectomy
This approach requires making two or three small cuts in the front of the neck and another one located above the collarbone. This approach usually causes less pain and requires less time for recovery.
In the cases that require the removal of all the four parathyroid glands, the surgeon might transplant one of the glands in the forearm or in a muscle in the neck to maintain healthy calcium levels in the patient’s body.
The length of the surgery varies depending on the type of the needed surgery. Usually parathyroidectomy takes from one to three hours.
Scarless parathyroidectomy
Scarless parathyroidectomy is a new medical technique used to perform parathyroidectomy without surgical cuts on the neck. Scarless parathyroidectomy provides access to the parathyroid glands through the mouth.
Parathyroidectomy post-op care
After the surgery, you might stay in the hospital before you get discharged. The doctor will give you some discharge instructions to help you speed up your recovery. These instructions may include:
- Diet: Usually there are no diet restrictions after parathyroidectomy. However, if you have a sore throat you might need to have a diet consisting of soft food for few days.
- Activity: After the surgery, you might feel fatigued for few days but you will still be able to perform everyday activities. Try not be hard on yourself and resume your tasks gradually and avoid lifting heavy objects for a while.
- Sports: Although strenuous exercises and swimming should be avoided for a couple of weeks, some light workout is good for you. You should stretch your neck gently in all directions to avoid stiffness.
- Bathing: you should avoid showering for a few days after the surgery. When you shower, it is important to avoid direct water streams on the incisions.
Recovery depends on the type of parathyroidectomy you underwent. As a rule of thumb, non-invasive parathyroidectomy requires less recovery time.
Parathyroidectomy complications and risks
As with every surgery, there are some side effects and complications associated with parathyroidectomy. These risks include:
- Damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve with resultant weakness or paralysis of the vocal cord or cords: This is a rare complication but if it happened, it can cause voice changes for the patient (the patient will have hoarseness in his/her voice) and difficulties in swallowing.
- Bleeding or hematoma: Although it is rare, the patient might suffer from blood loss due to the surgery. In such cases, the patient might need blood transfer.
- Damage to the remaining parathyroid glands: sometimes the patient can suffer from damage to the remaining parathyroid glands that lead to imbalance of calcium levels. What you need to know here is that having one remaining parathyroid gland can be enough to have normal calcium levels, but if all the four glands are removed then you will need to have calcium supplements for the rest of your life.
- Sore throat: you might suffer from soreness in your throat, but it is usually temporary and goes away after a couple of weeks.
- Hypocalcemia: having hypocalcemia or low blood calcium levels is possible during the few days following parathyroidectomy, and the treatment is taking extra amounts of calcium and vitamin D.
- Hungry bone syndrome: Patients sometimes suffer from prolonged hypocalcemia or hungry bone syndrome after parathyroidectomy.
The possibility of having one of these complications is very low, so you should not be terrified of having the surgery because of them. However, you should be aware that having one of them due to the surgery is possible.
Why you should undergo parathyroidectomy in Iran?
When you choose to have parathyroidectomy operation in Iran you can enjoy the excellent medical services there. Iran has some of the best doctors in the world who have experience and great skills.
The clinics and hospitals in Iran are equipped with the most advanced medical devices to give the patients the best medical service.
Why to have parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi?
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is one of the most distinguished ENT and head & neck surgeons in Iran. She obtained a fellowship in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery 12 years ago and won first place in the entrance examination of this fellowship across the country.
During this period, Dr. Saeedi performed more than 5,000 successful surgeries for Iranian and international patients in Iran. To deepen her knowledge and techniques, Dr. Saeedi underwent many specialized courses in medically advanced countries such as France, Germany, Portugal, South Korea, Malaysia and others.
In addition to examining patients in her clinic and performing surgeries in the best hospitals in Tehran, Dr. Saeedi is an associate professor of otolaryngology at Baqiatollah University of Medical Sciences in Tehran. Because of her distinction, she was able to be a university professor when she was only 33 years old.
By undergoing parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of an expert surgeon and that you will get the best results from the surgery. Do not hesitate to contact us for a free online consultation on parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
The cost of parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Parathyroidectomy prices in Iran can be quite low compared to other countries. In the United States of America, the cost of the surgery ranges from $8,000 to $10,000 depending the type of the surgery and the condition of the patient, and in the United Kingdom, parathyroidectomy costs about $6,000. When you have parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi, it only costs about a quarter that amount. So even with the extra costs of traveling and accommodation, you will pay far less money. Please contact us now to have a free online consultation and quote for parathyroidectomy in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
Parathyroid surgery benefits and outcomes
Undergoing the surgery will help regain the normal levels of calcium. This will improve bone density reducing the risks of bone fracture. It will also reduce the risks of kidney stones.
The studies on the effects of parathyroidectomy surgery showed that it helps improve the condition of the depression caused by hyperparathyroidism.
Parathyroidectomy and renal transplant
If you need to have kidney transplant (due to kidney failure) and parathyroidectomy, then you should consider having the transplant after parathyroidectomy. By doing so you will decrease the risks of graft failure.
Parathyroidectomy vs. thyroidectomy
These two surgeries are very different from each other. Parathyroidectomy involves removing one of the parathyroid glands while the other involves removing the thyroid gland (partially or totally).
Frequently asked questions about parathyroidectomy
Does parathyroidectomy cause weight gain?
There is no evidence that patients can gain weight due to parathyroidectomy surgery.
Does parathyroidectomy cure hyperparathyroidism?
Statistically, about 95% of the cases are cured from hyperparathyroidism after parathyroidectomy surgery.
Does parathyroidectomy cause tiredness?
Yes, fatigue and tiredness are possible side effects for the parathyroidectomy surgery.
How long does parathyroidectomy take?
There are several types of parathyroidectomy. Each one of them requires a different period of time to perform. In general, it takes one to three hours.
Is parathyroidectomy considered elective surgery?
Yes, parathyroidectomy is elective surgery not urgent and can be delayed when it is threatening the patient’s life.
Is parathyroidectomy a major surgery?
Yes, parathyroidectomy is a major surgery but it is considered a safe one.