Hearing Aid Fitting in Iran
A lot of patients who suffer from hearing loss choose to have hearing aids to improve their hearing. The thing is, choosing hearing aids is not as simple as it may seem. You need to take a few factors into consideration before you choose the right hearing aid and heading aid fitting by the doctor, too.
First, you need to know that hearing aids will not restore your hearing to normal, they will just improve your hearing. There are several types of hearing aids each one has different properties. The other important thing is hearing aid fitting that should be done by a specialized ENT doctor to guarantee that the hearing aid fits the need of the patient. Please continue reading to know more about hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi the renown ENT surgeon and otolaryngologist in Tehran.
Conductive hearing test
To determine the severity of your hearing loss you need to perform a hearing test. The test will measure the sensitivity of your ear. An audiologist will perform the test for you after checking your ear to see if there is a wax blockage.
The test usually takes from 20 to 30 minutes and involves hearing some sounds via headphones. It will involve playing some sounds, and you responding to them to tell that you heard the sound or not. The results will determine your case and help the doctor decide what you need.
Hearing aid fitting appointment
Your doctor will set hearing aid fitting appointment to see you and make sure that the hearing aid fits you comfortably and the sound is good. The doctor might do some tests to choose the right volume for you.
It is recommended that you take someone (a family member or a friend) to provide support and help you remember the information given to you.
Hearing aid fitting and programming
Your hearing aids need to be programmed to fit your condition and help improve your hearing. The audiologist will connect the hearing aids to a computer and use special analyzer software to modify it.

Fitting custom-fit hearing aid
Hearing aid fitting can vary depending on the type of hearing aids you choose. The open hearing aid can be usually fitted and programmed on the same day. In-the-ear hearing aids may need a molding process, which is a process used to make a mold specified to your ear.
Hearing aids adjustment
Even though you will feel the difference right after the fitting, hearing aids adjustment will need more time. Sometimes it can take up to 3 months before the hearing aids are fully adjusted.
When you wear the hearing aids, you will start to hear louder sounds. However, since your brain has already adjusted to deal with your hearing loss, it will take more time to readjust with the hearing improvement. You will have another appointment after the fitting appointment to check how well your hearing aids are doing.
The importance of hearing aid fitting
Hearing aid fitting is an important part of having hearing aids and you cannot just pick any hearing aids and start using them. Hearing aid fitting importance comes from several factors that provide you with advantages like:
- Making sure you have the best hearing aids that fit your ear perfectly
- Taking the hearing aids that suit your condition
- Giving you the ability to give your feedback and adjust the settings to have the best experience with the hearing aids.
Why to have hearing aid fitting in Iran?
Iran is a country where health care services are provided in high standards. Add to this that the cost of health care services are so affordable in Iran that make a great number of patients from all over the world seek to have their treatments in the country. Hearing aid fitting is no exception in this regard, where it is done by proficient ENT doctors using the most precise techniques to achieve the most comfortable results and outcomes for the patients.
Hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi
Dr. Masoumeh Saeedi is among the best ENT doctors in Iran. She has been an associate professor of Otolaryngology at Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences in Tehran since she was only 33 years old. Dr. Saeedi has a lot of experience as she has performed more than 5000 successful surgeries.
Dr. Saeedi is always keeping up with the new medical advancements, so she has attended many specialized courses in several countries like Germany, France, Portugal, South Korea and Malaysia among others. When you undergo hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi you can rest assured that you will have the best treatment. Please contact us now to have a free online consultation on hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.
Hearing aid fitting for babies and infants
Most of the children will be fit with behind the ear hearing aids whether they have mild, moderate, or severe hearing loss. Some hearing aids come in small sizes to fit children. The fitting will involve making special molds to make a perfect fit for the child.

The doctors usually use probe-microphone testing to test infants and babies’ hearing. During this method, the doctor will insert a tiny soft tube that contains a mic in the child’s ear with the earmold. This probe will measure the amount of sound that comes out of the hearing aid.
For babies and younger infants, there is another method called Real-Ear-to-Coupler Difference (RECD). It is the best method to test the hearing for kids who cannot stay still for a long time.
Hearing aid fitting using real ear measurement
Hearing aid fitting using real ear measurement is one of the methods used during the fitting appointment. This method is used to determine how much amplification is needed at every frequency.
During hearing aid fitting using real ear measurement, the doctor will insert a probe that carries a small microphone into your ear. The mic will create multiple sounds at different frequencies, and you need to press a button when you hear the sound. In the end, the doctor will have a graph that shows the needed level of amplification.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hearing Aid Fitting
What is hearing aid fitting?
Hearing aid fitting is a process that involves adjusting the hearing aid in order to make it fit for your unique condition and hearing loss and make it comfortable for you to wear so you can wear it more often.
How do hearing aid fitting work?
You need to come to the clinic and run a few tests. Then the doctor will connect the hearing aids to the computer and modify them. After a few weeks, you will have another appointment to readjust the hearing aids again.
How much does hearing aid fitting cost?
The cost of the hearing aids and the fitting process depend on the type of hearing aids. It usually ranges from $1,000 up to $6,000. This cost includes the cost of the hearing aids plus the cost of the fitting process. However, the cost of hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi is much less than that. Please contact us now to have a free consultation and price quote on hearing aid fitting in Iran with Dr. Saeedi.